Leading the charge for a better future.

Aries works with advocates and innovators who share our passion for addressing the world’s greatest challenges. Greg Rogers, Founding Partner, brings deep multidisciplinary experience from leading numerous policy research and advocacy initiatives related to autonomous vehicles, electric mobility, smart cities, and other transportation technologies.

Aries empowers leaders in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors deliver on better social, environmental, and economic outcomes for all.

We help our clients achieve their policy and public affairs objectives by:

  • Conducting authoritative policy research to chart a path forward for new transportation technologies and solutions.

  • Crafting innovative advocacy strategies to cut through gridlock.

  • Assembling memorable coalitions to unite behind shared policy objectives.

  • Shaping compelling narratives to communicate the benefits of new technologies.

Click below to schedule a consultation with the Aries to learn how we can help advance your organization’s policy and public affairs objectives.

Our Services

  • Policy Research

    We have a passion for understanding the nitty-gritty policy issues facing new technology. Our authoritative, independent-minded research charts a path forward for innovations that will shape the future.

  • Public Affairs

    We specialize in translating new technologies into stories of impact. Aries demystifies new innovations by crafting accessible and compelling narratives that inspire policymakers and stakeholders to take action.

  • Advocacy

    We have a knack for developing memorable advocacy strategies to break through gridlock. We develop memorable and principled advocacy strategies to shift the conversation from cynicism to solutions.


Greg Rogers

Founder, Aries Public Policy LLC

Greg Rogers is a leading advocate, analyst, and commentator in the transportation technology sector. Greg developed a deep expertise in transportation policy through his years of experience as a reporter, policy analyst, advanced transportation advocate, co-host of The Mobility Podcast, and—most vividly—gaining firsthand experience as an Uber and Lyft driver for 9 months.

In January 2023, Greg founded Aries Public Policy LLC to lend his expertise to nonprofit organizations and innovative companies that are working to deliver a better future. Greg leads Aries’ efforts to help clients implement effective advocacy strategies, conduct authoritative research into emerging policy issues, and shape compelling narratives to inspire change.

Prior to Aries, Greg led the creation of a new Public Affairs vertical at Nuro, a robotics company developing autonomous vehicles for local delivery. At Nuro, he formed multidisciplinary coalitions around advancing equitable access to goods, creating new career opportunities for American workers in emerging technology, and facilitating better relationships between transportation technology companies and the public sector.

Greg was previously the Director of Government Affairs and Mobility Innovation at Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE), where he advocated for federal and state policies to support the safe and expeditious deployment of autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and other emerging transportation technologies. Prior to that, he was the Assistant Editor of Eno Transportation Weekly (ETW) and a Senior Policy Analyst at the Eno Center for Transportation, where he reported on transportation policy developments across the country and co-authored two widely-cited reports that served as a blueprint for many federal and state autonomous vehicle policies.

A burgeoning interest in transportation technology led Greg to make a career pivot several years ago. He left behind a promising career at a government affairs firm to develop first-hand experience in new mobility as an Uber/Lyft driver—which led to a lifetime obsession with optimizing curb use. This inspired him to co-found The Autonomer, a news website focused on transportation and technology policy issues,

Greg earned his B.A. in Political Economy from UC Berkeley and developed his passion for transportation and urban design during a 6-month course of study at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.